The Business Advisory Board on Disability (BABD) is an action group of companies, which exists to solve the problems of disabled people from the perspectives of business and society. The Board was formed in 2008. The Board brings together organizations that help integrate of people with reduced capabilities – employees, partners and customers – into companies’ activities. The Regional Disabled People Public Organization “Perspectiva” (“Perspective”) is expert in the field of social issues for disabled people. It acts as an equal partner of BABD and, where necessary, provides support to help others work with the disabled. Organizations chose to become members of the Board and adhere to the terms and conditions of membership.

Председатель СБВИ в Санкт-Петербурге:

Юлия Сахарова,

Директор по Северо-Западу компании HeadHunter (hh.ru):

Тел.: +7 812 60 777 29 (доб.5901)

Исполнительный секретарь СБВИ в Санкт-Петербурге:

Илья Сметанин

Директор Центра по трудоустройству выпускников детских домов и

молодых людей с ограниченными возможностями «Работа-i»

Тел.: +7-950-040-1954

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